beating the rain with madi

And here we are, ladies! The first blog post.

And I could not be more thrilled to share this with you. So, yesterday - or, technically, two days ago - I met up with a friend/coworker/goddess to do a quick portrait shoot in the park. The general vibe was whimsy, cottage-core, romance film, keira knightly in pride & prejudice. Madi and I chatted about it a bit, and she was like, “cottage core and a messy up-do? I got you.” We set up a plan to meet at Guadalupe Oak Grove Park in San Jose the next day.

So, we’re in California, where the weather is relatively awesome most of the time - this day decided to have torrential rain everywhere. On the drive in, we were unsure whether we would be able to shoot or not. But, as we pulled up, the clouds literally began to clear in the sky above the park. To our joy, the rain seemed to stop in the exact area we decided to shoot, for the exact amount of time we needed to shoot. The sun even shone on us.

Meant to be? I think so.

Enjoy these images, babies. Follow me and Madi on Instagram.

Me: @brownguydesign

Madi: @madithecat

P.S. I’ve not really done blog posts before for my photography! What do y’all think? Are you into it..? Should I do more..? What kind of shoots do y’all wanna see? Let me know in the comments.

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